25 September, 2014

vDreams15:46 0 Comments

Living a happy life will not only make you stay longer in this world but will make every moment of your days worth living. Making it possible to enjoy life to the fullest.

Most people do not know how to live happy lives. Their thoughts and actions shows there is an empty void of no happiness in their relationship, work, friends etc. the are just always too moody. Always wearing long faces. That is not the best.

You can actually live a happy life using this few tips…

Positivity goes a long way in life. It’s like having faith. Why waste precious seconds of your life worrying too much? Remove all those negative thoughts from your mind. Think good out of every ugly situation. Don’t always see bad things as bad. With a positive outlook, bad things become good. Do not think that you are any less than the others. Keep your heads high, fight the bad feelings, be optimistic and be positive!

Life is too short to go about life not making every relationship pleasant and lovable. Spend a lot of time with your loved ones not because it maybe your last. Don’t be a workaholic, that you start giving less time to your family. After God, family comes first. Cherish every moment with your loved ones and give them your best moments.

People who always complain are people who have a negative view on life. If you want to be happy, stop complaining about things and see how you can get them fix. Complaining will blind you to the possibility of seeing a way out of lives challenges. Stop complaining about anything in life and just live life.

Being a grateful person always keeps your mind open and feeling good. Gratitude is an attitude of being thankful, not just to people for something they have done for you but also to God for the gift of life.

Do what you love to do. and do it in the most exciting way. Don’t always go where money is, go where your heart is. There will be many occasions in life where you’ll need to decide what you truly want to do. Follow that gut feeling, that inner dreams and it’ll never disappoint you. If you want to do really well in something, passion is very, very important.

Keeping your face lighten up with a smile not only keeps the wrinkles off your face but is also a charm to soften the hearts around you.  every little problem isn’t enough to rob you of a smile, try your best to keep a smile. Smiling makes things easier and lightens your spirit. After all, a day without a smile is a day wasted, I didn’t say it.

In today’s world, we give a lot of importance to material things. We always seem more concern for our own survival much more than anything else. We shouldn’t forget about the less fortunate. Remember, charity begins at home, but it shouldn’t end there. Do your part, make a change. Every little bit makes a difference. Give! You can’t underestimate the power of being an answer to someone’s prayers just by being a giver.

Practicing good health hygiene to keep yourself rid of health issues is a good way to live happy. Being with health challenges often makes you sad and unhappy. Meditate. You always need a healthy mind in a healthy body. Eat good food. A healthy body is a makeup of a healthy soul and healthy thoughts. A calm body, mind and soul can help you lead a happy life.

As the saying goes, show me your friend and I will tell you who you are. You want to be a happy fellow, then stay around happy people. Don’t constantly be around people who are pessimistic and entirely negative. They will only bring you down. Try to stay around positive people who exude good thoughts and positive confessions. Being around positive people will bring a vibrancy in your

Being yourself is not as exhausting as when we spend every ounce of our energy  trying to be like someone. Comparing only brings sadness. “Why don’t I look like her?” “Why am I not rich like him?” etc does nothing good to us. Learn to accept yourself as you are. Tell yourself you are the best there is ever going to be. If Go sees a need for someone better, then it’s going to be your next version. Work hard to be what you want to be. Be happy in your own skin. Be happy about your own looks. Know that God has made you the way you are for a reason, and there are people who find you extremely special because you are you.

About The Author Eyoh Daniel Hi! Am Eyoh Daniel and I run this blog. Am proud of what I do and love working with people to achieve a common goal. This blog is ours. It's not about me. It's about us. Let's work together to bring beauty and love into our world. Click here to read more.