15 November, 2016

Exploring Love In A Deeper Sense 1
vDreams09:56 0 Comments

Truth be told, as long as your choice for the person you decide to be in a relationship is decided by chance or by the good things they say to you or by the much affection and care they show towards you, you WILL ALWAYS have troubles in your relationship. 

And one of those troubles is, you will wake up one morning and your mind begins to wonder "why can't he or she be more like so and so or why can't he or she clean up, dress good, talk nice, care more etc like so and so?" The human mind has a tendency to "bend" towards a greater measure of care and affections shown towards it and until you discipline it to act otherwise, you will be a slave to what I call "the love transfer." 

Ever wondered why people change relationships partners in the 21th Century like they change clothes? One reason is, someone else is doing better at showing the affection and care than the acclaimed partner. And the solution is not to say "Treat me like a queen and I will treat you like a king, play me like a ball and someone else will catch me." No! 

Let your choice of a relationship partner be decided by YOUR BELIEFS and SINCEREST CORE VALUES. Let it be decided by YOUR love and YOUR care. Let it be decided not by 'he or she is better than so and so' but by 'I think I will find joy and satisfaction adding value to this one.'

Excerpt from my book - "Stuff No One Told You About Loving And Being Loved."

When it hits the market come 2017, you will be the first to get a hold of it. Stay tuned!

You can also read all about Unconditional Love and the Possibility of it.
About The Author Eyoh Daniel Hi! Am Eyoh Daniel and I run this blog. Am proud of what I do and love working with people to achieve a common goal. This blog is ours. It's not about me. It's about us. Let's work together to bring beauty and love into our world. Click here to read more.