23 November, 2015

Finding Meaning To Your Life
vDreams22:06 0 Comments

We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for I don't know.
- W. H. Aude.

 Is your life all you want it to be? Is all you are today all you should and all you can be? If you find yourself far from the satisfaction of a fulfilling life, the reason is obvious. And that obvious reason is what I am going to be sharing with you right now.
For anyone to live a life that is completely satisfying and fulfilled, they must have the answer to the two most important questions you should ask yourself every morning before your feet touches the floor. The first question is:

1. What Are You Here For?
What are you here for? What am I here for? The answer to that question is completely based on you to answer for you and me to answer for myself. I believe there are no two individual on this earth that has the same answer for that question, why? The reason is because of those we are sent to and how they integrate into our purpose.

No one can answer that for you and neither can you answer it for another. Finding your purpose is your responsibility. Finding your purpose and fulfilling it is your responsibility. 

You cannot go about life everyday with no sense of purpose. You cannot say you have finished well at the close of everyday without having any idea what you are here for. Why were you not born in the 10 century? Why were you born into that particular family? Why do you have that job at the moment? 

Taking a keen looks at each areas of our lives will help us begin to unveil the reasons why we are here. You need, more than anything [including food], to find your purpose - the reason you are here on earth, in this time, from that town. I doubt it that all you are currently is all you were meant to be. I doubt it that that is all there is to life for you. 

Until you answer the question of What Are You Here For, life will never make any real meaning to you as everyday and everything will only be a struggle.

2. What Are You Doing About It?
To find your purpose is a journey on its own, and even more demanding after finding the answer to Why You Are Here is the question of What You Are Going To About It.

Sometimes, people fail [by that I mean living small lives] not because they have not found their purpose but because they have no plan on how to fulfill that yearning of living the life of their purpose. 

To succeed, you have to do more than dream, you have to plan and set out to achieve it. So now that you have found out you are here to be a life changer, now that you have found out you are here to feeds orphans, now you have found out you are here to build businesses to make more work available for the unemployed, What Are You Going You Do About It? 

You have to turn your purpose into action, you to turn your dreams into achievable goals. The difference between a fulfilled man and one who is not is what they did with what they knew. No matter how good a heart you may have about helping neglected children, it will never help them unless you get off the dreaming pillow and get to do something about it. And that question of What Are You Going To Do About It involves all your planning and organizing. 

Find your purpose, and do something about it. You will be either remembered for the problems you created or the ones you solved. Someone ones said, "If you cannot create impact, make noise." You have to do more than have the dreams. If it's big and you cannot go about it alone, that is when you get others involved. That's how enterprises are forged into being.

About The Author Eyoh Daniel Hi! Am Eyoh Daniel and I run this blog. Am proud of what I do and love working with people to achieve a common goal. This blog is ours. It's not about me. It's about us. Let's work together to bring beauty and love into our world. Click here to read more.