29 January, 2016

vDreams07:01 0 Comments

In order to experience happiness a choice for happiness must be made. There is no big secret to enjoying life, you have only to invest more energy into happiness than to worry and stress. A few simple steps practiced daily will have you being a Happy Master in no time. Remember to practice these daily. Just reading through them once will not change much.
  1. Decide that no matter what you are experiencing happy feelings will always have the top slot on your to do list. It's all about commitment to you. Putting you first is important if you really want to move through each day with a smile and a giggle.

  2. Smile often. Stand in front of a mirror and smile at yourself. Let that smile form a giggle and move down into the belly for an old fashioned belly laugh. You've heard that laughter is good medicine and it's true. You body is flushed with a feel good chemical reaction when you engage in smiles and laughter. If you feel challenged with this step look yourself in the eyes and declare "I am so cute". Most adults crack up at that statement. It brings the inner child out to play.

  3. Be honest with yourself. Unhappiness is the result of expecting others to line up in a certain way so that you can be happy. This is the result of looking outside yourself for happiness. Stop that. Cease expecting others to create your happiness for you. Focus on your commitment to yourself to just go ahead and be happy.

  4. Take time for fun. Always, everyday make space for having fun. Watch funny videos, dance, sing, tell jokes, spin around in circles until you get dizzy and fall down. Enjoying life is the surest path to happiness.

  5. Stop blaming others. It's not anyone's fault that you are not happy. No one has any power over you without your consent. Retract any consent given to those around you and take the steering wheel to your own happy mobile. Decide the direction you wish to travel and go there.

  6. Release your pain. Decide to forgive others and yourself for any harm done. Now let it go. Learn from it and bless it. You are not letting someone off the hook for what they did, rather you are really releasing yourself to live a happy and joyful life.

  7. Do it now! No more excuses for you. Get up every morning and choose to smile. No matter what is going on around you accept that you do have the choice and the power to decide what it means, how long it means that and how you act or react. Be good to yourself with the magic of your smile.
Practice these steps several times throughout the day. Pause and check in with yourself and smile. Once you get your happy back stress diminishes, and you can make different choices with a clear heart. You will be a Happy Master in no time.

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