02 December, 2015

Just Because You Believe Something Is True Does't Mean It Is!
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Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help you create the fact. ~ William James.

When we believe something to be true, we base our opinions, thoughts and actions around our belief of this truth. We don't stop to question these beliefs, as we have filed them into the fixed thoughts box in our mind.

These fixed truths are often responsible for holding us back from growth. Growth requires change remember!

Over the years, some of the 'truths' that I've wrongly held, and been held back by, include some of the following examples:
"I believed that to lose weight and keep it off you'd have to forever battle food and live in a constant state of denial"
"I believed that my body size was genetic, and it was too hard to fight the size I was destined to be"
"I believed that you can find happiness other people's approval of you."
"I believed that I was the kind of person who will never get anything done right because I was always seeming to fails at everything." 
"I believed I could only be good in other career"

I have since proved myself wrong in all of these things, but when I had these beliefs, they felt like facts. If I hadn't worked to question them, I would have continued to find evidence to back my own lies up.

How can we start to find our own limiting beliefs? Start with just keeping your internal ears open for any apparent truths you hold about yourself. Try switching them around a little bit to see how they sound reflected back on themselves. I used to believe that I couldn't run as my knees weren't strong enough. It turned out that my knees weren't strong enough because I didn't run.

If you hold the belief that you're not confident enough to get that job, try switching it, and hearing the belief that you're confident enough to get any kind of job by going out to get the job. Confidence needs to be exercised like a muscle, and given the opportunity to grow.

Just because you believe every man is a cheat when it comes to relationship doesn't mean it is true. If you believe that, your believes will help you create some back ups - called Facts.

So listen out to your thoughts over the next few days, and try and catch things that you hold as fact, but may well not be. Play with switching the elements around, challenging your truths to test whether they're really true, or merely just limiting self beliefs you've developed and shelved into the fixed-thoughts box in the very back of your mind.

The truth is, my life started getting better the day I started questioning my reasons that stermed from my beliefs. There is nobody who is better than what he believes. You want to live the best life? Begin by renewing your mind...question your beliefs...know why things are the way the are and if there is nothing that can be done about it. 

What do you believe about Unconditional Love? What do you believe about Happiness? What do you believe about Life After Death?

About The Author Eyoh Daniel Hi! Am Eyoh Daniel and I run this blog. Am proud of what I do and love working with people to achieve a common goal. This blog is ours. It's not about me. It's about us. Let's work together to bring beauty and love into our world. Click here to read more.