23 September, 2015

You Should Never Struggle For The Best Things In Life
vDreams11:38 0 Comments

When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace. — The 14th Dalai Lama

Did you really know that the best things in life are for free? Yes! You must be a joker you's say. Why are you struggling with all that inferior stuff? Trying to get attention. Yes! Completely free! Check out everything Christ brought us...A new kind of life...a new tongue...the Holy Spirit...riches...glory...power...joy...peace and on and on and on. Not just that, everything else beautiful in the world for example the life you live.

Just yesterday, I realized for the first time in all my existence this beautiful truth: the best things in life don't cost a thing.

Sometime ago, a dear friend of mine comment on a post she wrote and told me, "I like you" and in my reply, I told her "I love you". yesterday, she revealed to me this shocking truth: You cannot always buy the best things with money because they really don't cost a thing.

It's amazing how a simple word said at the right minute can have such impact. No wonder Solomon said, "A word fitly spoken is like an apple of silver in a picture of gold." So melting and liquefying.

Don't live your life believing you don't deserve any good thing - I mean the very best.

No matter how expensive it is or seems. No matter how hard to get it seems. Never feel taken aback by the caliber of people that want the same thing, tell yourself you are the best person for it. And don't just stand there watching! Get up and go for it. Don't wait until when you feel you deserve it. No! Now is the time. You deserve it NOW. And you are the best person for it! Don't live by the rule, "weak minds don't win fair ladies." Whatever it is...that job, that lady, that dream, that opening, that business, that promotion...whatever it is...you are the man....you are the woman!

You know why? It is because the best things are not sold for money neither do you have to struggle for them!

The best things are not really the things we fight and struggle all our life to possess. The best things are so small and seemly insignificant yet they hold the truest values. No wonder a man rightly said many years ago that "GOD hides things from us by placing them close to use." Take a look around and you will see what am talking about.

kindness is not bought with money. Whether in words or deed. A graceful tongue is like a good news from a far country. A giving hand is not bought with money. A loving heart is not bought with money. From the grace of a man's lips the king shall be his friend says Solomon.

Kind words are like the rain in the desert. It refreshes the soul and melt the bones. It heals a broken heart and mends a wounded spirit. It gives hope to the hopeless and to the weary rest.

The best things are not bought with money, Christ Jesus was given to us free, he died for free for us, our kids are given to us free, our friends are given to us free, our loved ones are given to us free, our families are given to us free - without cost. Freely give someone and always carry a smile...freely use beautiful polite words...never forget these golden words...I LOVE YOU...THANK YOU...AND AM SORRY.

You may never know how so desperately someone out there needs those free gifts. Freely you where given, freely give them out. Saying I LOVE YOU to someone and meaning it doesn't cost a thing, speaking kind words doesn't cost a thing, being gentle doesn't cost a thing. You can change the whole life of a person with this free and best gifts from GOD, giving them a whole new world.

You might say no one deserves it, but the truth is, they don't have to. You may say no one is kind to you, but the fact remains, you and only you can set the new pace for them to follow. I have on countless occasions had people who are screaming and angry at me calm down and speak peaceable, Why? Because I responded with kind words. It won't take your manliness from you as a man, it won't make people walk over you as a woman. Think this over and over again:


About The Author Eyoh Daniel Hi! Am Eyoh Daniel and I run this blog. Am proud of what I do and love working with people to achieve a common goal. This blog is ours. It's not about me. It's about us. Let's work together to bring beauty and love into our world. Click here to read more.