22 January, 2015

vDreams07:51 0 Comments

 By Star Light

“Our past may explain why we're suffering but we must not use it as an excuse to stay in bondage.”  ~ Joyce Meyer

You must understand how important your life is as you grow every day. Moving from day to day with no sense of purpose and direction will simply be you trying to find out what life have in stock for you rather than seizing every moment and turning them into what you want them to be.
As I said in a previous post, your destiny is not what someone has to you on the day you were born. Your destiny is not the pre-programmed life you think you are living or that you will just begin to live it somehow every day.

Your destiny is the sum total of the decisions, big or small, you make in your life in every second.

There is every reason to understand that when trying to shape your future. Some people just go about life care free believing that one day their life will just begin to follow the pre-program life the was put into them before they came too planet earth. And they just keep waiting and waiting, but it never happens. They do everything in life with this mindset, and to them, they should feel satisfied and content because they are following their life. When things begin to fall apart, they think to themselves and say, “I don’t think this is what my life should be like.” And move to try another way of living. It doesn’t bring happiness.

Learning from other people’s experience is far better than experiencing it of yourself, because experience is never hey best teacher.

Learning from wisdom is better than learning from experience, because sometimes, you may never get another chance to put to practice what you have learned from the previous experience. Learning from experience makes very little room for a better living, because if you have to tell yourself you have to experience everything there is about building a successful life or relationship, you will realize that you will long be old before you get to the kind of life you want to live. Learn for wisdom.

Don’t give the control of your life to others, letting them make decisions for you and letting them control your emotions.

You needn’t dwell so long in your comfort zone if you want to reach the stars in life. Staying in your comfort zone makes you a puppet and every other person in your life is the puppeteer. You cannot and must not give the wheel of your life to people to drive for you. No matter how bad you think you are in making decision or how bad you feel that if your life where in your control you wouldn’t make any meaning out of it, I would say it is better to be in control rather than watch others do it for you.

The blame game is a good way of giving excuses, you have to stop blaming others for your past limitations and failures.

Sometimes in our lives, blaming others for our failures is just a good way of getting away with the feeling of guilt and fear. I use to do it myself at some point in my life. Every time something went wrong in my life, I would actually look for others to blame for my failures. However, that was no way of taking responsibilities of your life. You must take responsibility of your life if you want to shape your future and live the life you have always so desired.

Do not always wait for opportunities to come to you; you must create your own doors where there was none.

Taking responsibility for your life one thing. You can do that yet you still find yourself waiting for a way out of that life. You may still be waiting for someone to come along to take your hand and lead you to the place you should be. You don’t need this. Champions don’t wait for opportunities, they create opportunities for themselves on daily basis. The see the door others can’t see in every situation. Create your own opportunities; make your own world. Bring in the people you want in your life, don’t wait for them to come to you.

About The Author Eyoh Daniel Hi! Am Eyoh Daniel and I run this blog. Am proud of what I do and love working with people to achieve a common goal. This blog is ours. It's not about me. It's about us. Let's work together to bring beauty and love into our world. Click here to read more.