10 November, 2014


By Star Light

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” ~Leo Tolstoy

One of the key to successful living is change. Personal Change reflects our inner growth and empowerment. The constant change in our life speaks of our continuous maturity and effectiveness. Everyone says it, yet only a few actually know what it means…

“Change is the only constant thing in this world”

There is no way for you to move to better positions and altitudes in life if you are still living on old ideas and old resolutions that you still think world for you. It takes change to see the difference you want to see in the world. A man once said, “There is nothing as good as an idea whose time has come. And there is nothing worse than a man living in old ideas.” 
It is very true. The main reason most people are sometimes laid off in life is not that they have become incapacitated but that they are no longer bringing new and better input. Everything in life becomes boring and inconsistent once we rule out continuous change in our personal lives. Did you know that the only way to see change in other people is to become the change you want to see? Mahatma Gandhi said it right, “be the change you want to see.”

Keep talking and complaining, and winning about everything that is wrong in your life or in other people’s life, that just what you are going to get in return! You don’t make a difference in your life by complaining, you make a difference by initiating the willingness to see the change you need. Sometimes, do you know it not about the way people treat, but it about the way you receive their treatment. 

No matter how hard someone is correcting you, or how well they are trying to do it, if you do not see the need to make a difference, their words or method of trying to see that you change will only always be an annoyance to you. Be the change you need to see means, Being the change you want to see means, be willing to see the need for change and that the change must start with you! If you want to change anyone, look into the mirror and you will see who really needs to change. There are some things I have learn about personal change in life, being someone who talks to people on daily basis to see them make a difference. And am going to share some of them with you.

1.      Be The Change You Want To See:
Just as I said before, “Being the change you want to see means, be willing to see the need for change and that the change must start with you.” it takes willingness to change. I have found out that no matter how much people see something wrong about your life or no matter how people want to see you improve to better heights, it can’t be ever possible except you see the need to. Be the change you need to see. 

Possess the willingness, the desire; for that’s that only way you can change yourself or anyone. If you are always waiting for someone to tell you that you need to change, or that you should start change with yourself if you must see others change, you are really going to have to wait a long time. On the other hand, you could just heir and expert in life, one who knows just how to do life analysis to help you with pointing out just how much change you need. But I tell you the truth, even with that, it still takes your own self will to make a change in your life. 

Be the change you want to see in your relationship, be the change you want to see in your marriage, be the change you want to see in your office, be the change you want to see in your social life, be the change you want  to see everywhere in the world! Carry the willingness to make adjustment with you. Become a man if the season.

2.      Don’t Resist Being Changed:
The need to change always produces fear because of uncertainty. Many times, people who should make a difference in their life simple cannot do it because they are uncertain of how their life will become. They are afraid of the way their life will become when they have actually become who they should actually be. So they become resistant to change. They hate anyone who talks about them changing. 

No matter how much you try to make it pleasant so that they can see the need for the change in their life, they will only become see how bad you are saying it and how a perfectionist you are, eventually, they become more and more terrible. Why? They are resistant to change. If you want to know someone who will never change, look for someone who only gets angry whenever the need for change is spoken about. 

Making a huge turn around in your life means, you have to really learn to embrace change. Not with anger or resentment, but with openness of heart. If you desire constant success in life and in everthing, you must change your conduct with the times and season. There is every need to make change an important lecturer in your life. No matter how horrible it is, or how terrible it has to be, change must become a necessary part of your everyday life.

3.      See The Positive Side Of Correction And Criticism:
Do you find people are always saying, “why are you always trying to act as if  you are better than I am and that you can’t make the same mistakes?”, this are people who are very resistant to change. The never see the positive side of correction. They are always thinking that the reason they are being corrected or scolded is that those who are trying to do are proving a point. “I am better than you are, that why am correcting you.” but this is not so, this is only a thought they bear in their mind. 

When someone is trying to make you see they need for change, he/she is not trying to tell you they better than you. And they are not trying to tell you they hate or dislike you. They only want what’s best for you. They believe there is something more within you that you are not seeing. And they are just trying to help you see it. They CANNOT change you, no matter how hard or strict they want to be. The only thing they can do is create enmity and strive between you and them. If you really want to see just how best you life can be, you must learn to see the positive side of correction and criticism. 

I know it is not everything they are going to say will be right, and they might just say it in a ways that makes you hate them, but you do not have to look at that. Take what you have need of and let the trash go.

About The Author Eyoh Daniel Hi! Am Eyoh Daniel and I run this blog. Am proud of what I do and love working with people to achieve a common goal. This blog is ours. It's not about me. It's about us. Let's work together to bring beauty and love into our world. Click here to read more.